3D Printing

3D Printing

Full Seaside Public Library 3D Printing Policy

Seaside Public Library 3D Printing

The Seaside Public Library maintains and furnishes a 3D Printer for use by the community. The 3D Printer is a resource available for educational and personal use. It is not to be used for commercial purposes or to manufacture or copy materials or goods to be sold to the public at large.

Use of the 3D Printer shall be subject to these policies and procedures, the Library’s Acceptable Use Policy governing computer and computer access, and all other policies and procedures of the Library.


The Library strives to offer community access to new and emerging technologies, such as 3D printing, to inspire a new interest in creation and collaboration at your library. We wish to help the community bring their creations to life. This policy establishes how and under what circumstances the public may use the library’s 3D printer.


The library’s 3D printer is available to the public for educational purposes to make three-dimensional objects in plastic using a design that is uploaded from a digital computer file. No policy can foresee every instance in which the 3D printer may be used, and the Library reserves the right to amend these policies at any time, or in order to respond to a specific situation. Generally, though the following guidelines shall be followed:

I. The library’s 3D printer may be used for purposes that are lawful and/or safe. Patrons will not be permitted to use the library’s 3D printer to create material that is:

  1. Prohibited by local, state or federal law.
  2. Unsafe, harmful, dangerous or poses an imminent threat to the well-being of others, including but not limited to drug paraphernalia and weapons. (Such use may violate the terms of use of the 3D printer design software.)
  3. In violation of federal, state or local laws or regulations regarding accessing, viewing, printing and distributing obscenity or child pornography.
  4. In violation of another’s intellectual property rights or the 3D printer design software terms of use. For example, the printers shall not be used to reproduce material subject to copyright, patent, trademark or trade secret protection.

II. In addition to the above, the Library reserves the right to refuse any 3D print request. Generally, all 3D printing projects should be capable of being completed within twelve hours.

III. 3D printing at the library costs $.10 a gram to offset the purchase of the filament.

IV. If a print fails, staff will, at the patron’s request, attempt one (1) free reprint.

V. If an object is printed with rafts and/or supports, the patron is responsible for removing them.

Completed prints will be held for thirty (30) days after the patron is notified that a print is complete. After that time, said prints become the property of the library and may be disposed of as the library sees fit.

VI. Supervision of the use of the 3D printer by library staff does not constitute knowledge, or acknowledgement, of any unapparent final use of the 3D product, or misuse thereof, and the Library specifically disclaims any knowledge thereof.


The procedure for printing from the library’s 3D printer is as follows:

a. The 3D printer can only be used during designated times when library staff or volunteers are available.

b. Any 3D drafting software may be used to create a design as long as the file is compatible with the library’s slicing software (OBJ and STL are preferable)


The Library makes no warranties as to the quality, stability, or fitness of any object created with the use of the 3D Printer. It is not responsible for any object created with the use of said equipment, including any harm or injury incurred as a result of any usage of said equipment.